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The Man of My Dreams: A Novel

The Man of My Dreams - Curtis Sittenfeld It started out quite promising, but never really developed as it might. Hannah is the central character and she has a tough time dealing with people and relationships. She says some things that are possible better left unsaid, the little white lie type untruths. To the question "Do you like my new boyfriend" her truthful response might be honest, but it makes for a complicated life.It starts with her parents separation (not amicable) and her relationship with her father seems to colour her relationships with men. She thinks she had found the man of her dreams by half way, but he's dating her cousin and she seems to be waiting for him to work out that he's the one for her without her making any positive moves. A bit of a parallel between her childhood, where her father had to be accomodated, and her passivity as an adult. She does seem to come round and learn lessons, and ends the book a more rounded personality than at the start, and you can't but help wishing her well.