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The Sugar Queen

The Sugar Queen - Sarah Addison Allen Not convinced. It wasn't bad, but it felt like a bit of an avoidance of the difficult elements to resort to a ghost and magic. Josey is trapped in her childhood home by her feelings of obligation to caring for her mother - who she doesn't really get on with. Her whole life is consumed by looking after her mother in a guilt driven attempt to try and rectify her behaviour as a child. She has never really developed as a person - some might say she's never been allowed to develop a personality of her own by her parents - and her father's shadow is particularly long. Then there's the comfort eating and reading romance novels in her wardrobe - not a terribly healthy habit for either body or soul. One day she finds a woman in her wardrobe, and Della Lee slowly provokes Josey into some kind of action. Della almost forces Josey out into the real world and Josey makes friends with Chloe, who has relationship issues of her own. This includes a cheating boyfriend and the tendency for books to materialise out of thin air with titles that seem apt for her current mood and predicament. this could be viewed as an extension of the way a title can leap out and catch your eye from the bookshelf and be exactly what you need to read. There is an undeniable link between the three women, and the story could have stood perfectly well on that basis. However, the author then takes the easy way out (to my mind) by invoking a ghost and the magic appearing books. I'm not saying it was a bad book, in fact it was very engaging, but somewhat feather-light and instead of dealing honestly with the relationship issues that exist, it just sugar coated them and it all ends (relatively) happily, with no real depth. Not bad, but not sure I enjoyed it enough to try any others.