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Sunday Philosophy Club - An Isabel Dalhousie Mystery

The Sunday Philosophy Club - Alexander McCall Smith Isabel Dalhousie is a middle aged spinster in Edinburgh, a philosopher with some time on her hands and a niece called Cat (who is with the wrong man). All of which means she has a tendency to get involved in other people's lives. She's at a concert at the Usher hall when she sees a man fall from the gods, but did he fall, or was he pushed? She has no need to get involved, but she does, starting to ask questions about how he came to fall over the barrier, was it an accident, suicide or murder. She soon becomes convinced that the answer lies in some murky financial dealings, but how to prove it. She's in the Miss Marple style, trying to draw conclusions based on her knowledge of human nature, but she's not necessarily as good at this as she seems to think. In several instances she leaps to an unwarranted conclusion, one of which has her in danger. there's also a smidge too much philosophy for my tastes, but it's a reasonable read. I might not actively seek out the other books in the series, but I'd not steer clear either.